The Great Indian Family movie review
The Great Indian Family is just the kind of film Bollywood should be making more of. Wait, scratch that. The Great Indian Family is just the kind of film Bollywood shouldn’t be making more of. Not because it doesn’t have a topical, much-needed idea, but because having a great premise isn’t enough. Diluting it with lax execution does more harm than good.
Once upon a time Hindi cinema was the best place to cement the slogan– Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Issai, aapas mein sab bhai bhai– even if the balance was almost always skewed towards the Mishrajis and the Chaturvedijis. In Vijay Krishna Acharya’s film, which is clearly hoping to be a modern fable laced with strong contemporary comment, Vicky Kaushal’s ‘bodi-flaunting’ Pandit Ved Vyas Tripathi aka Billu stands for the best of us. Or let’s just say, Billu’s journey from an ignoramus who thinks Allah-hu-Akbar is a greeting, to a wise, inclusive citizen of Indian who knows the right thing to say, and even better, the right thing to do.
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